Tuesday 6 May 2014

2-How to lose weight correctly?

2-How to lose weight correctly?

2-How to lose weight correctly?,weight loss,fat loss,fitness,deit easy,deit speed,speed deit,easy deit

Reload periodically carbs!

Reload carbohydrate helps stimulate muscle anabolism . Carbohydrate charging is a technique used by bodybuilders to not be flat, and avoids the low calorie diet too lowers energy levels and hormones. This allows the muscles to reload glycogen and keep the strength and volume. Consider also that strength training is catabolic , that is to say, it destroys muscle. To limit this catabolism , eat carbs after the workout . This power cycle principle is the basis of the zigzag regime discussed on this site.
In some systems , there is the principle meal wildcards ( once or twice per week) that recharge and have fun from time to time to take psychologically and socially .

 Eat low fat but enough for you!
Chasing fat to no longer swallow a single gram is harmful to health. We must eat enough to avoid deficiency . Prefer oils rich in essential fatty acids ( olive oil , nuts , fatty fish etc. .. ) and never get below 10 % of caloric intake.

 Choose foods that have a good satiety index !

These are the ones that stuff , fuller and stall. These include: the whole grains, fiber , vegetables, legumes , fruits, oatmeal , etc. .
They do not make you fat and fiber are not absorbed by the body. In revanchent , you avoid cravings and feed you properly. You should not be hungry during your diet otherwise you jump on the worst food. To do this , you must eat the right foods and more often, but not necessarily in quantity and calories.

 Some supplements can help you !

Supplements with a " thermogenic effect" do increase heat production by the body. Include the caffeine or guarana, stimulating fat burners . Those herbal as blackcurrant, Orthosiphon , artichoke , dandelion have some interesting properties. Others are lipotropic as choline , inositol , guarana , chitosan or Citrus Aurantium . They may be more at a loss diet weight but mostly bet on good nutrition.

How to check the results?

There are several ways to evaluate and verify the changes in your body during your diet. You can use a compass to manually measure at several points of the fat under the skin. There is also the impedance scales . 

They give an initial response even if these values, not always reliable , are to be taken lightly . However, they are used to assess changes in muscle and fat.
The best way to check your appearance, in addition to weighing, is the measurement of waist circumference.

 Also ask the opinion of another person , a relative, to assess your physical changes because when we see every day, it's hard to evaluate things .

Following the assessment and results , it will adjust your plan is to say to increase caloric intake if you lose too much weight and muscle volume, or decrease if you do not lose or not enough .

And after the diet ?

If your goal was to see the dry diet , here you are relieved of those pounds . You have reached your goal, you are finally dry and did not lose too much muscle mass. Maybe you want to stay in good shape , keeping you at a low body fat . But know that it will be difficult then take muscle mass under these conditions, the gains will be slow and weak. In addition, there will always monitor food.

If your goal was to lose weight to improve your figure, it is now necessary to stabilize your weight. You have acquired a good experience in building muscle , cardio training and nutrition has less secrets for you. Your goal now is to find a balance between training and maintaining a healthy but not as strict as it used to lose fat nutrition. Requires that energy expenditure is now equal to the caloric intake.

How to lose weight correctly?

How to lose weight correctly?

How to lose weight correctly?,weight loss,fitness,fat loss, fat,bobybuilding,deit,deit speed,deit easy

To lose weight successfully, you know what to do sport and not rely solely on the regime. Of course, it works but it has a good chance of ending up with a thin but soft and unattractive silhouette. When we talk about diet, we think first in running or any endurance sport. But there are better, more efficient! 
In fact, the best way to lose fat is to combine a cardio training, weight training and diet. This is the winning combination! 
Strength training will help you during and after your diet to stabilize your weight. With an increase in muscle mass, you will increase your metabolism and therefore the number of calories you consume at rest.

Diet, possibly followed by a "dry" - a diet in the jargon of bodybuilding - is a difficult experience for the practicing bodybuilding period. It must lose its fat and try to keep the maximum muscles to display a physical dry, sharpened see frayed.

How much weight can you lose? 

If you are overweight and need to lose weight accumulated over the years, or due to a good ground, you must have the reasonable objective loss of about 1 pound per week. It is a realistic goal and not excessive. Wanting to lose more is quite possible but weight loss may be muscle mass, and this is not desirable at all. 
Indeed, muscle wasting lowers metabolism, that is to say the consumption of calories by the body. Ideal if you want to be a victim of the effect,

For 10 pounds overweight, it will take on a regimen of 2 months and half, variable between individuals. Some will lose a lot and quickly at the beginning of the plan, for others it will be slower. For example, if you are obese with a large excess fat and in addition you are retaining water, you probably lose more than a pound a week for your body, in addition to fat loss, lose water stored in excess. 
In most cases, the loss of a pound a week is a good reasonable pace.

Why diets do not work? 

We know diets do not work over the long term. This has caused an uproar in the press and that is what most studies that have investigated the effectiveness of these plans show. You lose weight but the pounds taken up in the long run, with a little bonus. Here we offer you a way that is proven and works. 
People usually turn to drastic diets or miracle methods found in magazines and are victims of "yo-yo" effect. Indeed, the body adapts and reduces its basal metabolism when it is facing a "famine" that lingers. It is then necessary to adapt and use less energy.
Energy calories of these restrictive diets are generally low , and protein intake is not always suitable .
The body will then draw directly into the muscles - reserves of protein and energy - to compensate for this lack . Less muscle is lower metabolism so calories burned by the body.

These deprivations can not last forever , they eventually crack and show the usual diet before, then loosen or downright Worst food.
They regrossissent even more than before even while eating "light" because the decreased metabolism and body made ​​reservations in case of another famine ... These plans also deprive of vitamins and minerals , with adverse consequences for health (calcium particular). In addition , the social life is affected because dieters long are constantly tired and aggressive , and it is the spouse or child support ...
In short, as you can see, restrictive diets are ineffective and harmful in the long run .

What do weight during a diet ?

For the beginner bodybuilding - fitness or - decides to couple his plan to lose fat with sports sessions, you can view the fitness program section to implement your program. There are many tailored programs and objectives of a beginner. The easiest way is to do all the body during exercise , 3 times a week. Add to your strength training three cardio sessions a week as the bike or running .

For others who are already training or who have completed a ground , it is preferable for a system of training in short series, not to lower its charges for not losing muscle and increase the rest between series because it gets less and less quickly when dieting . Indeed, during a diet , there is decrease in maximum exercise capacity due to the reduction of the stock of muscle and liver glycogen due to carbohydrate restriction . It is therefore not the time to try to increase its performance.

Cardio during the regime

The cardio training is useful for losing calories and raise metabolism during and after sitting for several hours. The long drive will eventually consume a little fat but do not abuse it under pain of being flat and buler muscle.

Cardio session can be done preferably during rest days ( for beginners) or after weight training (for trained ) , always after ! Leave on 3 sessions per week . We can do 20-30 minutes of cardio if you Casez session after weight training. If a session is dedicated to cardio on a day of rest, 45 to 60 minutes will do.

Move and Be Active !

Another way to increase energy expenditure is to have an active life, other than to stay on the couch and cultivate laziness. Some simple to apply as does walking instead of taking the car , not watching too much TV or play video games , walk out with your children and examples , cleaning more often , a little lower heating etc. It is ... to act on his or her lifestyle and change bad habits sedentary .

How to eat during the diet?

As a result , some nutrition tips to help you implement your plan weight loss or dry :

 Do not reduce your calories brutally !

It is certainly the best way to lose weight, but also muscle mass ! Rather, it is advisable to gradually reduce food intake.

For percentages of each nutrient , if you want to lose weight and reduce the loss of muscle mass , leaving 30 % of calories from protein , 20% fat and 50% carbohydrates. Use the table for the calculation of calories present in the diet section of the site or online calculator calories this site.

 Make 4-6 small meals a day rather than three hearty !

Many nutritionists recommend this way of eating . The advantages are many : increased metabolism ( digestion) , better absorption and utilization of nutrients and calories, improved production ( endocrine ) hormones, increased protein synthesis, quicker recovery , stable energy levels , etc. . You have to eat more often and distribute caloric intake.

 Eat quality protein sources !

If you are new to fitness and do not know anything about nutrition, see Nutrition section of the site to be sensitized on the importance of protein when on a diet with bodybuilding.
Whether you are in the plan or dry , eat quality protein at each meal and vary your sources to maximize absorption . 

For example, you can complete animal protein with vegetable or starch from legumes. Maintain a high protein intake but not excessive. We suggest 1.5 g / kg of body weight of protein to a diet with sport, and from 2 to 2.5 g / kg for those who are weight training and want to dry and sharpen . In practice , an athlete of 70 pounds will take 2 x 70 = 140g of protein, spread over 4 or 5 meals and snacks.

 Prefer complex carbohydrates rather than simple !
Reduce carbohydrates gradually but never remove the long term , to keep enough energy for your daily activities and your athletic training .
At the discretion of the scheme and the results on your body , it will adjust this parameter that is to say to increase good carbs - low glycemic index - if there is too much weight loss or decrease if does not lose enough.

Simple sugars of high glycemic index may be consumed after the session to speed recovery and replenish glycogen .

 It will adjust the supply according to the intensity of the session . It is best to reduce the intake of carbohydrates in the evening to avoid storing them as fat. The evening meal is rich in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Monday 5 May 2014

How to Get Big Arms Fast - Why the leanest mistake guys

How to Get Big Arms Fast - Why the leanest mistake guys

How to Get Big Arms Fast - Why the leanest mistake guys,weight loss,fitness,fat loss,deit,deit easy,diets peed,bobybuilding

Let me tell you , from someone who has spent his adolescence as a skinny guy , that being rake thin is not funny . Yeah ok , I could eat a horse and still room for apple pie and ice cream, and not even put on a pound of weight , but what good is that when you look like a pole bean ?

If you pack the same few pounds of muscle, it can make a huge difference , and of course , one of the most impressive places is gaining muscle on your arms .

Big, muscular arms turn heads ... period.

But how can you get big arms fast? Well , here I would like to show you the most common reasons leaner fighting guys in their quest for how to get big arms fast .

Big Arms Having three major muscle groups

The biggest mistake that the leanest do when looking how to get big arms fast guys is that they tend to focus only on the biceps and more or less ignore the triceps. This can cost you a lot of wasted hours in the gym.

Look at any model or bodybuilder fitness and you will notice that in many cases the form of the triceps muscle is what really gives their big arms.

FACT: triceps are naturally bigger and stronger muscles biceps . So if you are overtraining your biceps , you will end up with disproportionate arms, then do not look or perform nearly as impressive as a well trained arm well balanced .

How To Get Big Arms By NOT focusing on them

Now I'm a big believer in compound exercises for skinny guys to pack on muscle - in other words , I tend to advise people to avoid using isolation exercises (especially for the beginnners ) because they tend to get tired muscles some before others and so you find yourself tired too soon and with poor results .

If you are looking for how to get big arms fast then you would do well to remember that simply by completing good solid full body workouts , your biceps , triceps and overall arm size will increase substantially . In fact, if you look at some of the biggest guys in the gym, you will notice that it is only if they train their weapons in particular . 

They focus on increasing the size and strength of their chest muscles, shoulders and back and I know that big arms are simply the result of that.

If you focus only on your arms and fatigue them , then by the time you get to exercise your back and shoulders , you will not have enough gas left to function properly, that sabotage your fitness General and muscle mass gains .

Apply constant voltage to a massive growth

Another mistake skinny guys make when you think how to get big arms fast is the failure to keep the arm muscles under constant tension in order to see the most gains . 

Visits to the gym become more about lifting a maximum weight as possible or do as many repetitions as possible to get big arms , when in reality it should be on performing exercises under control with good technique and focusing on the work according to the muscles must be worked .

How to get big biceps fast - 3 Exercises to Get Big Arms

How to get big biceps fast - 3 Exercises to Get Big Arms

How to get big biceps fast - 3 Exercises to Get Big Arms ,bobybuilding,weight loss,fat loss,fitness,fat,deit

How to get big biceps is one of the first questions many beginner and amateur bodybuilder ask . In fact, just under 35 million people ask Google this question every month! Why do so many people want to know how to get big biceps ? Well put simply, owning a pair of biceps fully defined hard rock will do wonders for the appearance of someone, not to mention confidence . Whether to pick up girls or enter a bodybuilding competition , having big biceps is pure gold . However, knowing how to big biceps and focus only on them is one of the biggest mistakes beginners victim .

Before I get down to the nuts and bolts of building big biceps, first let me give you a quick and dirty lesson in anatomy ...

To make awesome weapons, like pro, you 'll want to work the three main muscles that make up the arm.

Such as the biceps , triceps and forearms . The work of these three combined with a balanced training program and nutrition plan and you'll be well on your way to building big guns fast muscle groups. It is important to note that the biceps consists only 1/3 of the upper arm , therefore , obviously triceps catch another 2/3 of the upper arm .

OK , lets get into the nitty-gritty . I will give three of my favorite exercises I used to build big biceps and triceps fast .

How To Get Big Biceps Fast - Biceps - Standing Barbell Curl

This exercise is undoubtedly the best performance of building mass , you can possibly do to get big biceps. The aim of the date barbell curl is to develop the overall size of the biceps. It was an exercise highly regarded throughout history bodybuilding for many pro bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Lou Ferrigno and Ronnie Coleman, to name a few . You should do this exercise one of your best friends.

Performance: ( 1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart and grasp the bar with a supine, hands on shoulder width . Let the bar hang at arm's length in front of you . (2) Curl the bar at a place in a wide arc and put it as high as you can, with your elbows close to the body and stationary. Fully flex upwardly . Weight decreased again following the same arc and resist the weight all the way back to the starting position .

Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps ( perform 2 light warm-up sets followed by 3 working sets )

How To Get Big Fast triceps - triceps - Lying triceps extensions

The purpose of this exercise is to work well triceps all the way from the elbow down to the lats , in particular, the large inner head of the triceps. The triceps muscle (Latin for " three-headed " muscle of the arm, it is called a three-headed muscle because there are three bundles of muscle, each of different origin , bringing the elbow ) is the large muscle located at the rear of the upper arm that is 2/3 of the mass of the arm.

Performance: ( 1 ) lie along a bench , his head just off the end with knees bent and feet flat on the bench. Take hold of a bar ( preferably an EZ curl bar ) with an overhand grip , hands about 10 inches . (2 ) Press the weights until your arms are locked out , but not directly above your face. Keeping the elbows stationary , lower the weight down after your forehead , then press back to the starting position , stopping the vertical to keep the triceps under constant tension .

Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps ( perform 2 light warm-up sets followed by 3 working sets )

How To Get Big Fast Forearm - Forearm - Wrist Barbell Curls

For those who have tried this exercise, you will understand how it is incredibly effective for building strong flexor muscles and a handful of lock jaw. Having forearms lean and big biceps - triceps , it's not cool so do not neglect this exercise.

Execution : Grab hold of a bar with a supination , hands close together. Straddle a bench with your forearms resting on the bench, but with your wrists and hands hanging over the end of the bench . Lock your elbows against your knees to help stabilize. (2) Bend your wrists and lower the weight to the ground. When you can not lower the bar any further, carefully open your fingers a bit and let the weight roll down on the palms of your hands.

Roll the weight back in your hands, forearms contract , and lift more than you can without letting your forearms come off the bench weight.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Biceps bodybuilding program

Biceps bodybuilding program

   Who has not at least once exhibited his biceps or measured his vengeance? 
   You have not forgotten Popeye with his tattooed arms and explosives biceps?
   The biceps are to men what breasts are women, some evidence of their strength and masculinity. It is therefore natural that beginners in bodybuilding place "big biceps" at the top of their list of goals.

     Just browse the forum to cross the following queries: "How to have bigger biceps quickly? "; "Help me, I want to have big arms! "; "I work the biceps 4 times a week, it is my priority. "

Biceps bodybuilding program,weight loss,lose weight,fitness,fat loss

However, when you start it is not necessary to specifically work his biceps, as they are asked indirectly with other exercises. For example, pulls or rowing aimed at the base back, also seek the biceps. We advise you to limit yourself to one or two sessions per week bodybuilding biceps, depending on your bodybuilding program.

The goal is to keep a balanced physique. Nothing more ridiculous than having monstrous arm and the rest of the body that does not follow. Working his biceps excessively is not wise, especially as in some cases it may even slow their progression.

Tips for biceps 

Find out what exercises work for you and do not copy the bodybuilding program neighbor or the latest bodybuilding magazine. What works for one, will not work necessarily for you! You should know that the programs recommended by professional bodybuilding are often inadequate for us bodybuilders "recreational" because the results are often distorted by doping. 

Remember that the biceps are small muscles and 4-6 series are all more than enough to finish them off. Therefore moderate your enthusiasm!

There are many exercises and many variations to exercise your biceps curls with dumbbells as concentrates, cables, spiders, on the inclined Larry Scott and many other bench. 
The curl bar or dumbbells are the basic movements to develop good biceps. 

To bring change to your workouts and avoid stagnation vector routine, you can vary your exercises or formats your drive (sets and repetitions). 

Muscles tend to adapt the same type of stimulus and sometimes you make the change to continue to grow.

If the base you have thin arms and thin bones, you'll never very big arms. They may still achieve respectable measurements. Achieve its maximum potential through fitness should be your goal rather than trying to reach unattainable goals.

Anatomy biceps 

The biceps brachii is a two joint muscle (elbow and shoulder) which is composed of the long and the short portion. It goes to the radius of the scapula. The tendon of the long portion is inserted into the supra-glenoid tubercle (scapula) and ends on the radius. The short portion is born at the coracoid (7) and also ends at the radius. These two portions merge. 

The brachial biceps flexes the forearm on the arm. It also occurs in the forward flexion of the arm (moving the arm in front of you), abduction (bringing the arm outward) to the long portion and adduction (bringing the arm inward) for short.

Brachialis is single and joint will of the humerus to the ulna. It flexes the forearm on the arm. It will be applied regardless of the decision.